Rail Safety Summit 2024

We find safety in listening.

CIRAS is the confidential safety hotline for the transport sector. By listening to workers’ safety concerns while protecting their identity, we enable organisations to act on information that might otherwise stay hidden.

Our members are forward-thinking companies across transport in the UK and ROI, committed to improving health, safety and wellbeing so that everyone gets home safe and well. We help them to hear safety concerns, whoever they are from.

We protect the reporter’s identity when we share information with our members, who can then take action to reduce risk.

Those who report to CIRAS may feel they can’t use internal reporting channels or may have tried to without success. We also listen when someone’s concern relates to a company they don’t work for, including clients or contractors, and share it with the relevant company.

When we listen, we learn. Our member community shares good practice and learning, working together to build a culture of listening.

Contact us if you have a potential safety issue. Download our CIRAS reporting app on the App Store and Google Play. Call us on 0800 4 101 101 (UK) or 1800 239 239 (ROI). Use our online form at https://www.ciras.org.uk/raise-a-concern or mail FREEPOST CIRAS. If there is an immediate risk of harm, please tell your supervisor or use more immediate reporting channels.

Find out if your company is a member at https://www.ciras.org.uk/Membership/Members-list